What a pity no reference to the fact that Byron is buried in Hucknall Parish Church, just a tram ride away from Nottingham City Centre. Local bus operator Trent-Barton ‘3’ buses drop you right outside the church and runs from the Victoria Centre Bus Centre in the City Centre.

Here is a link to a Church leaflet about Byron: http://hucknallparishchurch.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/dl_byron_2015_web_A4_LR.pdf

To visit his tomb and that of his daughter, Ada Lovelace, is a powerful experience. Stand there. Imagine the vault being opened as Byron and his daughter are laid to rest for one final time (I hope).

A P.S. Ada Lovelace has her own leaflet. http://hucknallparishchurch.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/dl_ada_2015_web_LR.pdf 🐰

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Thanks for the feedback! This is all good info.

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